A few comments, suggestions, and ideas…
An update on our new approach to market development and generating sales opportunities for BC Industry in the US market.
As readers are aware, due to COVID, we had to quickly shift our programming and move our marketing activities to an online format. In short order, we organized and participated in a number of “online events” including: a virtual tradeshow, direct one-to-one meetings with builders and architects, and numerous Building Connections missions. While each of the events were not without a few issues and hiccups, folks on both sides seemed generally happy with the new format of online market development.
The “Building Connections Missions” in particular seem to have resonated with both BC Industry and US buyers.
The format of the Mission is relatively straightforward. BC Wood researches, organizes, moderates, and virtually takes a group of four to six complementary companies from the value-added sector to a targeted region in the US. The Mission connects BC Industry to qualified builders and architects where each participating company meets “live” via the Zoom platform and delivers a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation directly to the potential buyer or decision maker. Each mission consists of 4 or 5 meetings, lasting approximately 1 hour. We help our members build a succinct and engaging presentation to best show their products and services.
Last week we delivered a Mission to Coeur d’Alene and Sand Point Idaho, where we met with an excellent group of key builders and architects from that market. A few weeks prior to that, we organized and delivered a Mission to Lake Tahoe, California, with a focus on the Interior finishing sector.
The Building Connections Mission activity has so far proven successful in connecting BC Industry to pre-qualified buyers and decision makers in select markets across the US. Our next mission is to the mountain state of Colorado with a focus on Denver, Boulder and Vail regions.
We will be organizing a number of missions to key markets across the Western United States over the next few month, as we all learn new ways of marketing online. If your goal is to get in front of US architects and builders, the Building Connections Mission activities may be the best way to connect you and your company to this audience. If you are interested in more information, please contact me at dfarley@bcwood.com.