While we all transition to the new normal (whatever that is) at BC Wood we have been working hard to provide BC Industry with the market intelligence, programs, and services that you’ve come to expect, delivered now in a virtual format. While it has been a learning curve for all of us, we believe that our suite of “Building Connections” activities in the US market will create strong market intelligence and positive sales results moving forward.
As an example, over the past few weeks, our program has organized and delivered two Building Connections missions to the resort markets of Sun Valley , Idaho, and Lake Tahoe , California. These virtual missions provide i ndustry with an excellent opportunity to meet directly with US buyers, including: Architects, Builders and Interior Designers in a live meeting using the Zoom video platform. A small group of four manufacturers met directly with the specifiers/ buyers, introducing their products and services while delivering a focused, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation. The two missions each included four meetings that targeted key influencers in both Lake Tahoe and Sun Valley. The Building Connections’ missions currently take place over a two-day period.
The missions were well received by both parties and have already resulted in manufacturers receiving plans to bid on upcoming residential and light commercial projects. The Building Connection missions provide an effective and cost efficient means for BC Industry to get directly in front of US buyers and influencers, while working from the safety of their homes.