Dave Farley | [email protected]
A few comments, suggestions, and ideas…
I recently heard the old saying “you can’t see the forest through the trees” and it had me thinking of two things: one, how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the world, and two, how we have so many great cities and markets just to the south and east of us.
Two of these are Spokane, Washington and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. These cities have a population base of a little over 300,000, have vibrant economies, and boast excellent recreational and lifestyle opportunities.
I was recently in both cities and was impressed with the number of high quality residential and light commercial construction projects that were underway. The opportunity for B.C manufacturers to develop market share and create sales was significant.
To this end, we are currently planning a WoodTALKS Lunch and Learn for both cities, tentatively scheduled for mid-March, where we will meet with some of the key builders and architects in the region. The details will be revealed in the next few issues of the Wood Connections newsletter; however, if this is of interest to you, please feel free to contact myself [email protected] or Ken Hori [email protected] in short order as space will be limited.