A few comments, suggestions, and ideas…

Last week, BC Wood and member companies participated in the Bond X Interiors event. This online event introduced BC manufacturers of architectural millwork and finished products to the top 50 architectural and interior design firms in the United States. The event consisted of pre-set one to one, 20-minute meetings between buyers and suppliers over the Zoom platform. At a Bond event, manufacturers introduce their products and services, commonly by PowerPoint, to key buyers, influencers and decision makers. The format allows for a short Q and A session before the meeting ends precisely at the 20-minute mark.

The true value of Bond virtual event is the direct connection it provides between buyers and suppliers. Vick Yau, of VanAir Design stated that “Participating at Bond directly opens the door for me to meet with key buyers in my sector. If I was to attempt this on my own, it would be next to impossible, even more so during the pandemic. Bond gives me a key contact in the firm that I can use moving forward.”

We have one more scheduled Bond X live event before the end of the BC Wood fiscal year. The Bond X Architect takes place March 9 -11 where manufacturers will be introduced to principles from top multi-disciplinary firms from across the United States. If you are interested in this event, and want to see the list of firms participating, please reach out to me at dfarley@bcwood.com or on my cell at 604-728-8786.