Dave Farley | dfarley@bcwood.com
A few comments, suggestions, and ideas…
To say that we are currently living in a time of unprecedented change would be an understatement. It’s an anxious time for BC Industry as the way we interact, and conduct business has changed dramatically in a short period of time. Not only is the Covid-19 outbreak impacting our day to day activities, it is changing the way you communicate with your customers.
BC Wood and our US program is adapting to this new reality and in the next few weeks we will be rolling out a number of exciting market development activities. We will be using the Zoom virtual meeting platform to help you stay connected to your customers, develop sales leads and understand the constantly changing market conditions.
As Canadians, we all watch US news channels and are constantly reminded of how different things are south of the border. In my discussions with builders, architects and distributors across the Western United States, the difference becomes even more apparent. Builders in States such as Colorado and Montana are busy, as construction in these markets is considered an essential service. Whereas other regions, including our neighbours in Washington State, say most construction has ground to a halt.
The virtual program we are developing will help companies navigate the constantly changing market conditions and put BC Industry in a strong position when business gradually returns to the “new normal”.
As always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at dfarley@bcwood.com.