As you may have heard, BC Wood is leading a project which will identify ways to increase recruitment and retention of skilled workers for BC’s value-added wood products sector. We are looking for input from employers in the industry to develop these workforce strategies. Based on your input a strategic plan will be developed to support the growth, productivity, and profitability of the Value-Added Wood industry. I would be grateful if we could interview you to gain your valuable insights. Deetken Insight, a Vancouver-based consulting company, will lead these interviews.
I would ask that you consider participating in a 45-60-minute virtual interview (via Zoom or, if you prefer, Google Meet) sometime in the next two weeks. During this interview you will be asked about your opinion on the labour market challenges facing the Value-added Wood industry and the actions you would suggest are taken to address these challenges and to help continue to grow your business. We would appreciate if you could review the Project Background Document as well as this presentation that we will use to guide our interview (also attached).
Please click here to schedule an interview. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Brian ([email protected]) or me directly.