BC Wood is pleased to have welcomed over 600 delegates from all over the world to Whistler, BC Canada for the 19th Annual Global Buyers Mission, held September 8th to 10th, 2022. Given the still present challenges of the pandemic, we were extremely pleased with the efforts made by those buyers and suppliers that supported and participated in the 2022 GBM.
Many thanks must also go to our funding Partners, who without their continued support, we would not be able to deliver this world-class event: Natural Resources Canada Expanding Market Opportunities Program (EMO), Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. (FII), and Global Affairs Canada (GAC). Our Corporate Sponsors this year included The San Group Ltd., The Waldun Group, Interfor, Glandell Enterprises, The Teal Jones Group, BFL Insurance, and Daizen Joinery.

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After joining us on the Mountain for our Thursday evening Welcome Reception at the Roundhouse Lodge, CEO Brian Hawrysh and Board Chairman Grant McKinnon from Pacific Homes welcomed our Opening Ceremony guest speaker, the Honourable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, and also welcomed the participation of Honourable George Chow, BC’s Minister of State for Trade.
This year, we registered international

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buyers from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States. Again, many thanks must go to the Federal Trade Commissioner Service and BC’s Trade & Investment Representatives from international markets that greatly assisted with the buyer recruiting this year. With their continued dedication, there were many first-time buyers to the GBM, offering opportunities for Canadian manufacturers to develop new business.

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We also hosted North American architects, designers, contractors, developers, engineers and specifiers to our WoodTALKS™ program, held in conjunction with the GBM. This included successful presentations by renowned architects in partnership with BC manufacturers; a site tour of BC Passive House; and a mini-seminar series on the tradeshow floor Friday afternoon. These activities were very well received by both the architect community and participating exhibitors.
Canadian products on display from across the country included timber frame structures, engineered wood products, treated lumber, reclaimed wood, cabinetry, building products and systems, Western Red Cedar products, and a variety of other value-added wood building products.

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BC Wood also organizes Extended Mission programs for incoming international delegates that include site visits and factory tours. This year, pre-qualified Buyers toured production facilities and new project sites in the lower mainland to meet participating GBM manufacturers. Besides helping buyers immediately source high quality, innovative, and competitively priced wood products, the tours helped build future business relationships by familiarizing potential customers with Western Canada’s wood species. We thank the many local companies that made the effort to open their mills and plants for these informative and productive tours.
Held at the Whistler Conference Centre, the GBM continues to be Canada’s largest event dedicated to promoting value-added wood producers.