Message to Industry from BC Wood

Brian Hawrysh | [email protected]

Without question the past number of weeks have been difficult and unfortunately, the future is still very much an unknown. However, one thing that I can say for certain is that BC Wood is here to support you through these challenging times. We continue to stay up to date so we can provide you with the most current information available on any new support programs that are introduced by provincial and federal governments, as well as new details on previously announced plans.

We also understand that to support our industry in staying viable and strong, we must find ways to adapt our market development programs. Our staff reviewed all our programs with an eye towards delivering valuable activities that are both safe for all concerned and help you accomplish your immediate business and marketing goals. In the days ahead we will roll out a completely new set of virtual programs that will provide you with the latest market intelligence, identify new market opportunities, connect you with new customers and support your efforts to turn those new contacts into new customers. These tools will help you to continue to be productive during these times when social distancing and travel limitations have created some challenges.

BC Wood will also take a lead role in advocating on behalf of BC’s value-added wood products to the provincial and federal governments. More than ever it is important that both levels of government understand the challenges, the opportunities, achievements and the short and longer term needs of our industry. BC Wood is in a unique and prominent position to take on this important role. You can help support this effort by sharing with me your challenges, best practices and ideas on ways to help our industry and local economies recover and get people back to work.

BC Wood’s staff will continue to closely monitor the information available and follow the guidance of the Government of Canada, and Vancouver Coastal Health. In these times, we must remember to take care of ourselves and those around us. We must work together and support each other and uncover our collective strengths, as the resiliency of our business community is put to the test.

How to access COVID-19 financial support from over a dozen federal government departments

EDC | Date Added: June 18, 2020

EDC’s COVID-19 Resource Centre for Business is a one-stop source for information about programs and services available from EDC and other government departments. Discover how to apply for financial support through EDC’s programs as well as those available from over a dozen federal government organizations. Get expert advice on mitigating COVID-19’s impact through EDC blog posts, articles and on-demand webinars spanning topics like: managing cash flow, accessing more capital, planning for what’s next in a post-COVID economy and structuring your business for financial recovery.

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B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service

Small Business BC | Date Added: June 3, 2020

If your business is facing challenges due to the ongoing situation, you can contact SBBC’s COVID-19 Support Service. Developed in partnership with the BC Government and Government of Canada, this one-stop initiative aims to help businesses by; explaining what resources are available to them, offering guidance, and answering questions where possible. Visit the website and speak with an advisor on the phone, by email, or through the web-chat feature.

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Webinar: COVID-19: Manage your cash flow and ramp up for business

EDC | Date Added: May 21, 2020

Managing your cash flow is vitally important for weathering the economic turbulence we’re all experiencing now. That’s why it’s a good idea to learn strategies that can help your company survive the pandemic and prepare it for recovery and growth. Register for our new webinar, COVID-19: Manage your cash flow and ramp up for business.

Register now for this free, expert-led webinar and discover the programs and assistance that can help you protect your company. Join us Thursday, May 28, 2020, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, and you’ll learn:

  • Cash flow and its link to business success
  • Why forecasting is helpful and tips on how to do it
  • How to conserve and manage your company’s cash flow for business survival
  • The role of financing and loans to increase cash flow
  • How insurance can protect your cash flow and reduce business risk

To access a recording of this webinar after the seminar, please go to EDC’s webinar page. A MyEDC account must be made to view past webinars.

COVID-19 and Canada’s international trade

Trade Commissioner Service | Date Added: May 12, 2020

In today’s interconnected global business climate, the novel coronavirus (COVID‑19) is affecting the way Canadian companies operate. Efforts to control and mitigate the spread of the virus include temporary restrictions on travel and at borders. These efforts could have further implications on international business development activities.

Now more than ever, Canada is committed to supporting Canadian exporters and the free flow of essential goods and services across international borders. A new dedicated web page contains the following information related to COVID‑19 and Canada’s international trade:

  • Keeping supply and trade links open
  • Financial support and services for exporters
  • International business travel and events
  • Customs and borders
  • Canada’s food supply

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Pricing in a Pandemic: Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis

McKinsey & Company | Date Added: May 8, 2020

Demand is volatile right now, creating a variety of pricing challenges. Companies that focus on long-term value rather than short-term gain are best positioned to meet them.

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BC’s Restart Plan: Next steps to move BC through the pandemic

Government of British Columbia | Date Added: May 8, 2020

BC’s Restart Plan lays out a series of steps that we will take together to protect people and ensure that our province can come back from COVID-19 stronger than before.

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COVID-19: United States export forecast with Peter Hall

EDC | Date Added: May 7, 2020

Watch to learn:

  • How COVID-19 is affecting the Canadian and U.S. markets and sectors
  • The economic outlook for the Canadian and U.S. markets, including interest and exchange rates, commodity prices and oil prices
  • What U.S. support is available for American buyers of Canadian exports
  • How EDC’s Chicago and Atlanta offices are helping Canadian companies through the pandemic
  • EDC products and services that are available to support Canadian exporters

Please note: this is an on-demand webinar and a MyEDC account must be made to view it.

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EDC | Date Added: April 30, 2020

EDC has adjusted its focus and flexibility to reflect the current needs of Canadian businesses. They are continuing to add content, features and tools that draw on EDC’s expert knowledge and insights supporting you through this pandemic.

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Helpful Links & Resources

EDC | Date Added: April 30, 2020

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COVID-19 Bulletin

Roper Greyell LLP | Date Added: April 28, 2020

As covered in our March 27, 2020, and April 8, 2020 COVID-19 bulletins, the CEBA provides interest-free loans of up to $40,000 to small businesses and not-for-profits to help cover operating costs during periods of temporary revenue reduction. Business owners can apply for CEBA through their financial institutions. Prime Minister Trudeau announced this morning that the eligibility thresholds for this loan would be expanded, allowing a broader range of businesses to access the loan. Businesses that spent between $20,000 and $1.5 million in total payroll in 2019 will now be eligible to access CEBA.

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B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service

Small Business BC | Date Added: April 23, 2020

Delivered in partnership by Small Business B.C. and both the Provincial and Federal Governments, the B.C. Business COVID-19 Support Service is open M – F from 8am – 6pm and Sat. 10am – 4pm (PST).

  • Latest updates
  • BC Gov’t Resources
  • Gov’t of Canada Resources
  • Support Directory
  • Continuity Checklist
  • Webinars for COVID-19
  • Supply Goods to Gov’t
  • How to Support Small Business
  • Digital Meetups

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Employers — Canada’s 75% Wage Subsidy Now Enacted

KPMG | Date Added: April 21, 2020

Canada has enacted the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to help businesses retain employees during COVID-19. This temporary subsidy, which is available to qualifying employers that have lost revenue due to COVID-19, generally provides an amount to employers equal to 75% of employees’ remuneration paid, up to a maximum of $847 per week per employee, from March 15, 2020 to June 6, 2020.

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COVID-19: Supports for Small Businesses in B.C.

Small Business BC | Date Added: April 21, 2020

Governments and the private sector are providing a wide-range of supports for small businesses in British Columbia affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of B.C.’s COVID-19 Action Plan, the B.C. government is providing an additional $5 billion in income supports, tax relief and funding for people, businesses and services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please visit the links below for the most up-to-date information.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Trade Resources for Businesses in British Columbia

British Columbia – Trade and Invest | Date Added: April 21, 2020

With the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) affecting business operations globally, the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia have implemented measures to ensure continued access to goods and services. Notably, essential travel, including that associated with goods and services remain open. Supply chains must closely adhere to recommended health and safety measures to continue operating.

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