Trade Shows

Show Report

HD Expo 2016 Show Report BC Wood and members participated in the HD Expo in Las Vegas, May 4th to 6th. Four member companies attended including Barker Manufacturing from Victoria, [...]

Show Report2020-04-09T02:36:02-07:00

Europe Market Update

BC Wood at the BAU 2017 Show BAU is the largest and best known building products show in the European market. The BAU fair, held every two years, attracts over [...]

Europe Market Update2016-06-02T08:24:43-07:00

Japan Market Update

Japan Home & Building Show 2016 Once again, BC Wood will be organizing the Canadian Pavilion at the Japan Home & Building Show on behalf of the wood industry. The [...]

Japan Market Update2016-06-02T08:20:40-07:00

Japan Market Update

Nikkei Show 2016 BC Wood will once again be coordinating the Canadian Pavilion at the Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show that will be held at Tokyo's Big Sight from [...]

Japan Market Update2016-05-31T13:03:02-07:00

China Market Update

Interzum 2016 Our last show of fiscal 2015-16 was the Interzum Show in Guangzhou, China. BC Wood reserved 64m2 this year to make the Canada Wood Pavilion in which four [...]

China Market Update2020-04-09T02:36:02-07:00

Japan Market Update

Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show 2016 The last activity we hold for members each year in Japan is the Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show at Tokyo Big Sight [...]

Japan Market Update2016-04-12T14:00:04-07:00

Korea Market Update

Housing Brand Fair 2016 On behalf of its' members, BC Wood organizes one major construction show each year in the Korean market. We once again chose the Housing Brand Fair [...]

Korea Market Update2016-04-12T13:58:43-07:00

Japan Market Update

IBMF New Year's Reception at the New BC Wood Showroom in Tokyo New Year's receptions are an annual custom in Japan that are very important for business people to greet [...]

Japan Market Update2020-04-09T02:36:03-07:00

USA Market Update – IBS Show Report

A few comments, suggestions, and ideas that may be of interest to the industry... Anyone who has spent some time in Vegas knows that it can be a little [...]

USA Market Update – IBS Show Report2016-04-12T13:56:14-07:00

Tradeshow Events for 2016-17

BC Wood just received confirmation that funding for our 2016-2017 trade show and mission programs has been approved. Last November, BC Wood's staff began the process with sector meetings that [...]

Tradeshow Events for 2016-172020-04-09T02:36:03-07:00
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