Reform Show 2017
Jim Ivanoff As a part of BC Wood's continuing efforts to explore new and growing markets in Japan for our members, we once again exhibited on behalf of the [...]
Jim Ivanoff As a part of BC Wood's continuing efforts to explore new and growing markets in Japan for our members, we once again exhibited on behalf of the [...]
Jim Ivanoff BC Wood is once again organizing the Canadian Pavilion at the Japan Home & Building Show on behalf of the wood industry. This show is held [...]
Jim Ivanoff With the number of inbound travelers to Japan growing by leaps and bounds, there is a great need for both new hotel construction and renovations. This tremendous [...]
Jim Ivanoff From March 7th through 10th, BC Wood participated in Nikkei Messe at Tokyo Big Sight. Each year, this show represents the largest gathering of construction industry professionals [...]
Japan Home & Building Show 2016 Once again, BC Wood will be organizing the Canadian Pavilion at the Japan Home & Building Show on behalf of the wood industry. The [...]
Nikkei Show 2016 BC Wood will once again be coordinating the Canadian Pavilion at the Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show that will be held at Tokyo's Big Sight from [...]
Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show 2016 The last activity we hold for members each year in Japan is the Nikkei Architectural and Construction Materials Show at Tokyo Big Sight [...]
IBMF New Year's Reception at the New BC Wood Showroom in Tokyo New Year's receptions are an annual custom in Japan that are very important for business people to greet [...]