BC Wood Activities

Upcoming Trade Events in Canada and Mexico

Based on the feedback from our members and Sector Advisory Groups, BC Wood has put together a comprehensive list of market development activities for the coming year. Following the links [...]

Upcoming Trade Events in Canada and Mexico2016-06-02T08:36:04-07:00

Specifiers Program Update – A Year End Review

As March 31st marked the end of our 2015-16 fiscal year, this article will be a year-end review on the Specifiers Program. 2015-16 was a very full year including Lunch [...]

Specifiers Program Update – A Year End Review2016-04-14T13:44:27-07:00

Japan Market Update

IBMF New Year's Reception at the New BC Wood Showroom in Tokyo New Year's receptions are an annual custom in Japan that are very important for business people to greet [...]

Japan Market Update2020-04-09T02:36:03-07:00
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