Dave Farley | dfarley@bcwood.com

A few comments suggestions and ideas…

As we move into the fall and we have settled in to the new and creative ways that we conduct business, I thought it would be good time to discuss some upcoming market development activities. In late October BC Wood will partner with Bond Events to organize and deliver the Bond Custom Home Forum. For those unfamiliar with Bond, these guys organize superb events where buyers and suppliers meet one to one for pre-set 30 minute meetings. At Bond Custom, BC manufacturers will have up to 12 meetings with top builders and architects from select regions across the United States. The great thing about Bond is that you get to pre select the meetings you want based upon your market objectives whether they be a regional focus or on a targeted firm that you want to work with. BC Wood and member companies have participated in numerous Bond Events over the past few years which have led to excellent market development and sales leads.

Later in the fall, we participate in a similar event that targets the multi family sector. The Build Exchange focuses exclusively on connecting suppliers to architects, builders and developers working in the growing multi family market. Like Bond, the Build Exchange organizes 12 to 14 pre-set meetings between buyers and suppliers over a two day period. The Build Exchange event provides an solid platform that allows BC Industry to get in front of key buyers and decision makers from the multi family sector. Both Bond and Build Exchange will take place live on the Zoom platform and in my opinion are the next best thing to meeting face to face. Space for both events is limited so if these events sound interesting to you and your company, please reach out to me at dfarley@bcwood.com