The campaign will be an emotional pitch to feel good about sourcing value-added wood products from our own backyard – for sustainability benefits, economic benefits, support for local businesses, a healthier lifestyle, beautiful aesthetics, and to be on the good side of climate change. This brand-new series will run for 3-months, starting the new year off strong from January, across social media platforms featuring interviews with manufacturers, their products, projects, and facilities.

How To Get Involved and Benefits:

Option One: Video Feature + Landing Page (6 Company Features Available) Price: $1150
  • BC Wood will come to companies’ location of choice in BC (factory or project site) for a half-day filming session
  • BC Wood will create from this content a 15-second ad and a 5-minute feature video, positioning participating companies as leaders in both the environment and wood innovation
  • Each company will receive an estimated 1-minute segment in the feature video that includes an interview, your product, and either the factory or project site
  • Companies will be provided with their half-day of film/video to use as they see fit (ex. creating their own company video for uploading to their website and/or use in their own digital campaign)
  • Placement on the landing page with all your contact information

The ad will not focus on any one company, but rather the value-added industry as a whole. The 15-second ad will have a compelling message about specifying BC value-added wood products, show lots of images of participating companies’ products, and lead viewers to click through to a Landing Page where they can watch the feature video and discover our participating companies, along with their contact information. The target audience will be British Columbia interior designers, architects, and specifiers.

The messaging will brand participating companies as both Environmentally Responsible & Wood Innovation Leaders.

Deadline: December 8th, 2021

Want more information?

Please contact Kit Crowe at or 604-716-0944.

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